Thursday, May 14, 2009

Gift For A 24 Year Old Female

// Tan sólo había transcurrido un par de minutos antes de darme cuenta lo que había sucedido.

Por mis manos chorreaba sangre y mi traje de corte inglés perfecto empezó arruinarse, el sol siempre tibio me recordó que este tipo de cosas se hacen bajo la luz tenue de la noche, estaba allí de foot infinity while watching the bustle led me to nonsense.

30, 40, 60, 90, maybe just 2 seconds elapsed between an action and another, even if you only break my chest felt like a giant spinning fan without any axis. She smiled, I raised above their heads, off I realized who really sought was not me, but I them.

Monday, May 11, 2009

How To Play Runescape In School

gun and stripes / Thorn joan

My pain is strong, is my is violent / /
It's a love / /
remedy was never / / I watched you / /
you care / / care I was protecting my love as my soul / / And when you leave two red stained
/ /
My love was pure, intense ... real, strong / / My love breaking barriers, fighting battles remained a thousand wars

/ /

I give you more than my life / / I give it all / / to beg help in a moment / / Need to let it be who was for you / / do not know if actually received all the love coming from my chest

hurt feelings Joan Espino

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bloons Game Pack 3 Level 47

Your words condemn me My love / My pain

Normal 0 21
false false false ES