The reason for this blackout ¨ ¨ which necessarily have pressed the switch this week, causing a very limited disclosure of my disconnection Matrix.
The with their strange love revolving planets and the light emanating from the unknown I have drowned a few months where the titanic pressures limit almost all the work of my soul.
The excesses of the body and beyond my control actions stifle the development of the unfulfilled dreams, I use to kiss unable to lift me on my shoulders with which I figured I should show the world.
'm on the road. Stop would be a very high sacrifice which I am not willing to assume.
While I am filled with vitamins health and songs for the brain cool, my answering machine answers all calls, my mailbox will receive complaints, facebook is off and twitter not the map to advise where to go.
I send a light hug and let this drill previously drafted electronic ink become the voice that goes up to this point and may soon return, until you finish some work and come back refreshed.
Joan Espino / / Pretending to be
"The drill is not hiding the truth. It is the truth which conceals that there is no truth. The simulacrum is true "Jean Baudrillard
you?? Well, I confirm that my participation in this day of blog neighbor, but I think it does not matter, because what it's worth is to continue the meme, so here I leave my soundtrack: D
1 .- Mexico's Ricardo Arjona (this would sound good for the country where I live, yes, very bad in many things, corrupt politicians, criminals protected by authorities, the authorities themselves are part of the crime, etc, etc ... but at the end of the day, is the country where I was born and played that day, thanks to him, I am what I am, also here are my brothers R2C).
2 .- Santaflow That guy (I have no words to describe this song, is what we live in adolescensia a stage / maturity, sound when you stand 5 minutes, get off the world and think about which nothing is the same as yesterday).
(This version is good, but there is an earlier one I like more).
3 .- All my life Foo fighter (is a constant search of something insierto, mmm do not know how, but it would sound at that time that I get bursts of adrenaline , anyone out there remember it's a song that will put ever to hold a car race).
4 .- Like a stone Audioslave (sounds in those moments of reflection, perhaps not the letter leads me to reflect, not so the music that transports me to a state of reflection and memories, a time of high school, this time in which what I concern was not having acne on the face lol).
5 .- Mana Me Vale (sounds better mother when I think of my, well, sometimes if I feel bad for some people's opinions, but in the end jejeje me da = since that represents the song in the soundtrack / life).
6 .- The Cartel platoon (this song would sound good every time I say goodbye that person that is on my side, is a song that perfectly describes what you feel when it's time to say goodbye.)
7 .- Chop Suey by System of a Down (Sounds in moments of action, but no action to the extreme, peaceful action hehe, good song).
Zocalo by Armin Van Buuren (Sounds in final moments of relaxation, inner peace when you are in harmony with yourself if it sounds pulled, but it is my soundtrack and it sounds to me haha).
9 .- Limp Bizkit Rollin (sounds when I go out a walk, when I go to wander any place or any park).
10 .- Last resort Paparoach (sounds in moments of extreme action when and there is only one chance).
11 .- Pobre dreamer Tri (Sounds when I'm flying in the cloud and I'm dreaming.)
12 .- Nirvana Rape me (sounds in times when there is not much to do, leaves you with a very good feeling and makes you want to listen to yourself more and more).
Well so would the soundtrack of my life, with some songs completely nothing to do with each other, and there lies the fact that this meme is pretty good and original. Thanks to my BROU Irving for having the idea of \u200b\u200bthe day blog Aletz neighbor and also to steal, say, fix up the idea and make it that way. Greetings to all and that they are very well!
Mariquilla Earthquake, also known as the Lizard-awn enjoyed a very good memory. For her remember things, and even details of the distant past, it cost him no effort.
Although this quality could be the envy of many, she had cursed a thousand times. Why recall what he disliked both the name of the person charged with bad intentions, or review the corners by both wept inconsolably?, Where would sell the magic eraser? This eliminates the blots and scrawls, meaningless Churrete blackened black notebook life.
why so enjoyed what she called "Juggling the memory", because memory is also used to be playful, and he threw more tracks tracks and urging her to guess. This occurred at specific times, and one morning, upon waking from a deep rest, not quite knowing where he was or the day it was.
But the best was when they would travel away from home and shoots amazing suffered amnesia from the most immediate daily routine. Times forget what great pleasure!, Blotchy faces, mixed in a heady cocktail that you've done and what you have to do to return. And not trying too hard to remember, because I knew they were just innocent and enjoyable games of such hubs of colors thrown into the air by her friend's memory.
One day, on one such trip, even she freaked when outdoors drew her pencil outlined two towers in one. Then titled:
"perfect holiday "
you travel, and I remember all this but also try to implement the rules of the game as healthy Mariquilla; that yes, I carry my sketchbook, which has given me some "juju" what happened to her in Paris.
How about? Well this time, I leave with a little joke out there that had sheltered, hope you like.
Va a Cuban boy walking down the street, he meets Fidel, Fidel, and seeing that the boy ignores him, he asks:
Hey kid, you know who I am? The child replied: ' No sah, and Nah, you do not know who, nor do I care know' Fidel angrily says, 'as punishment Pue po' does not know the commander Castro, now has to Tell me 20 words that begin with the letter 'C' for the most ever in your life forget my last name and Castro '
And the child says: Peer Commander Castro, How and When Carajo We Eat Meat With Corona Beer As eat what bastards eaters of Committee Central Cuban Communist ...?' Castro looks at him in amazement. The child concludes: '... what? I miss any? ... Culero! Jeje
such the joke? Well I hope they like it, we read later, who are very good.
Well I'm here again, and on this occasion. I leave a couple of photos taken in a classroom of school known here in Merida .... ok, ok, was taken at my school, more specifically, in my room lol, well at first sight perhaps they do not notice anything, or perhaps to be found if, in fact is not all bad, but a small mistake and it is my must demonstrate it to everyone: D.
Here the full announcement.
Well, so here seems to be OK, right??, Well, the next photo shows, which according to me is wrong.
And here we can see, according to me, infamy the school.
2 ° SECOND? A chinga! Well what is the fourth contest? What about the other 2 above where they were that I never found out? Haha, good post as they see it?? This is what happens when it happens, comes as we read later, greetings and they are very good.
How about? Hope you are well, well this time I have some photos of good Shaq.
Yes, I know it Photo possibly had seen before, and there is nothing special, but hey, it's just to make it clear contrast hehe. here the following that are not common: D
The shaq singing jojo that crazy.
Here is a pretty good kills hehe. Shaq seems chavito Inche doing these pulled.
Well finally the Shaq Shrek together hehe, well, if you do not believe there is an air?
That's it for now, I hope to put something over here more often: D, we read later. That are very good.
Well a few days ago and I get this meme, but had no chance of carrying it out, the fact is that this is an award given to our favorite bloggers, the rules are following:
1 .- thank the blogger who honored me by giving me this award XD, in this case were two people, my BROU Irving and his cousin geeking, in fact the first was the good irving. Well here is the thanks. Let the following. ... After
is 10 honest things about me. Here comes ...
1 .- Love Beach del Carmen! This I think I knew more, but still, it's something dishonest of me, I love that beach is where I became what I am to this day, there was born John W. Dick, where I met my brothers and there is the only place I really feel at home.
2 .- Well, love beach, one of my favorite hobbies is swimming, every time I'm there and there is a chance to go to the beach, is this law that I swam a good time. Out there some say I'm like a fish in the water hehe.
3 .- I hate the sun disgusting! It is essential to keep us alive and without it there would photosynthesis and other things, but the truth is that I hate more than nothing in this life, I hate more than the esquerosas goats (sorry diego, sorry chivista aletz and anyone who reads this, sorry lol). I say we should do what Mr. Burns did once, we should block the sun so they do not fuck us (in fact I think I read that do, that global warming, the net would be very mad).
Messy 4 .- I?? Not for nothing, and it is true, I'm not messy, but what follows it, should do now as I have my house, my clothes are beaten into the ground and if you did well, after place in the furniture reached, I think it is easier to choose which agreed better hehe. 5 .- My favorite musical genre is undoubtedly the Rap, English Rap hear much (I prefer the English to the Mexicans, do not say that they are not good, for example the Control Machete and Cartel de Santa, but the reality is that in particular prefer to English lyrics that are very good).
6 .- I'm 100% BLUE! Cruz Azul!! The truth until about 6 years ago I did not like football, if he played and everything, but had no interest in supporting any particular team, until one day I realized that I liked and played Cruz Azul and post from me that Blue declare at 100%.
7 .- Well despite being 100% Blue, my favorite color is, was and will remain without doubt .... black, many say q is a very ugly color, very serious and blah blah blah, the truth is that I do not, the joke is that I like and that I have enough.
8 .- The subject of vampires in movies really catches my attention, I have seen many films of this genre even in twilight, but the truth is not liking me lol, is very bland and sappy.
9 .- One of my favorite beverages (alcoholic and non presisamente) is coffee, either hot or cold, if hot, preferably without sugar. And just to feel the aroma of coffee before brewing, and I am relishing. Well the alcohol would be without doubt the vodka: D, with grapefruit soda XD or pineapple juice.
10 .- And finally, greatly frustrates me not having enough time to DECIC to my blog and other stuff off the internet: S: S. but neither is it so pex the working world.
Once finished with the 10 honest things about myself, is to put the award on the blog, here it is:
After that and I think that last step, this award to 8 posts and notify them of this meme. Here fall into the same thing irving, some have already received the award and beyond that, I reached the blogs that I have. Here goes:
Vote for "el.escritor" and "From 33 to 64" The wise love
After a year, even I am surprised the dimensions ¨. ¨ writer has achieved.
Just a few short weeks ago the Sub-Secretary of State for Culture Santiago, Enegildo Peña, during the inauguration of Postgraduate diploma Latin American Film ¨ University in Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) , we applied the material to be showcased on national television, Go well!, We are very grateful.