Thursday, December 31, 2009

Truth Or Dare Gay Question

Joan Espino Photo / Laura Marquez: Two virtual desktops

barbed joan / Laura Marquez / kaleidoscopiodeletras

Today is December 31 2009 , ie few remaining hours to change the calendar and plunge into an adventure of 12 months.

Usually in this space a little story that has been year for me, perhaps I will then but in truth I decided instead to devote this last post of the year to a person whom I met in a special way in recent months.

Her name is Laura Marquez , although below is my description of it, I can say that is a writer with soul immense and a heart full of lyrics lives in ¨ ¨ city that never sleeps and has D40 camera as an extension of your eyes.

so read below is an exchange of virtual experiences and the results of an experiment that was never published in the Listin Diario , section ¨ North · and take this opportunity to thank Inmaculada Aracena and Medina Grisbel for your support as always.

by Laura Marquez

When I was little laughter from my neighbors always suggested to me to dress up as Snow White convert my friends in the 7 dwarfs and I was never able to answer that I always wanted to disguise the bad of the story. One day, it is not too much, my pale skin was filled with demons without costume and I found apples corrosive poison spit, then I discovered the 7 giants who would not let me sleep so you do not forget that sometimes, just sometimes, a few kisses are sincere.

One of these giants had brown eyes and long hair, open hands and shoulders are full of tears left to shed in sinister dawn. Tiptoed between gestures and stealthy cyber kissed me on the forehead, to clear the corner of his mouth, registered nightmares indelible in my memory. It became rare giant words, who always smiles and papering of ART to those who participate in its spell. It is him who come to talk to you, Joan, who let me steal the parentheses.

[+] Continue Reading ...


by Joan Espino

Someone whispered

my twitter a poet was among us, then I just stopped on the bridge that divides the city, watched carefully the whole picture almost consumed by the change of season.

clock sometimes confused me, did not know whether the time had died or if my thoughts floated a moment as he looked recite his verses in ¨ ¨ Strawberry Fields of Central Park , his words had so much rhythm, so flight.

I his heart captive letters, almost galactic explosion of feelings Virtual saved on the timeline of those who follow him, I wonder How much light can fill these spaces when the sun not yet awake? , her name is Laura, but I am unsure of who or where material is made divine.

Her smile, her inner-flavored melody and words Sabina always fresh, mixed in an invitation to cry that calls to be discovered, in exchange I'll be here sitting next to her voice perceiving colors not imagine existed.

pubic the section on Listin NORTH 11/12/2009 Journal

Monday, December 21, 2009

Breast Prosthesis Nyc

Joan Espino: ¨ chameleon and psychedelic Rocanlover ¨

joan barbed 2d-3d / / if you want to see this on ¨ 3D · Ponte bisco

In recent days I received an email asking for an interview Estévez Shaina. Shaina is a student of Social Communication, which I could not refuse to answer some questions he had prepared. Here I share the text with you and hope you enjoy it as much as I did. / / Thanks Shaina, for the moment.
President of the Association Students for Social Communication (AECS) of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM). Passionate Seventh Art Prize winner "Francisco Palau" the XI International Book Fair, Santo Domingo 2008, for his short film "The. writer ". O riundo Heart City, Santiago de los Caballeros , Joan Espino currently in her last semester of Social Communication in PUCMM.

SE: What words define Joan Espino?
JE: chameleon Rocanlover and psychedelic.

SE: What inspired you to lean towards the media?
JE: is difficult to answer this, I think it was rather isolated several factors that led me to concentrate on a career, my inclination has always been for the art, acting, music, literature, photography, film, and when I transferred of Medicine, looked for a career where I had the opportunity to develop each area and not just because I liked the media.

SE: What life experience has left the chair AECS?
JE: A very pleasant, the most important has been to defend the Social Communication students PUCMM and enforce our Association, everywhere I go people know AECSOCIAL by work has been done, which allowed us to know important people and strengthen ties with various sectors of national society. Now that you transfer the power I have the satisfaction of hard work that fulfilled all its tasks.

SE: Being a busy person, how do you keep pace your personal life?
JE: I've always been in a constant ebb and flow of activities, I think we make this a lifestyle, it is sacrificed, you sacrifice your family, your friends, your girlfriend and your health, but still know that each of the things you do is a fundamental part of your growth as a human and professional, is a rhythm that you learn to cope.

SE: What role do social networks in your daily life?
JE: They have become the center of very important things in my daily process, from a relief necessary to a medium to communicate my ideas and make new friends every day first thing I do when I wake up is to open my e-mail accounts, Virtual daily reading, see Twitter and Facebook , is essential.

SE: If the Mayans prove to be right, what do regret not having done before 2012?
JE: Well, I think could teach him to count the Maya more than 2012 (laughs) well I think then I will have fulfilled my short term goals, which if anything is possible give me the pleasure of saying I have lived.

SE: What is your greatest ambition in life?
JE: In the years to know ...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Template For Fondant Shoe


barbed joan / / astro

My feet touched the ground, smoke left marks in the program that later vanished.

I'm not entirely recovered and a fall from many meters is just a relief for me cuerpo.Soy worn almost free, just a little more and I will raise proclaiming FREEDOM

I was in prison. Locked in a cell light, feeding on insects microchip and taking the water that leaked wide band, I have the strength, perhaps just enough but not necessary.

But now that I can walk or run through you almost , I am to make me feel a little more in his life.

Yes, what I'm saying is that I'm back .

Joan Espino / / hi to the crew

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Topshop Brown Brogues

E-mails back and forth with "The Nati." Second


Subject: tremble at your impending arrival ...


... and is not exactly cold. ______________________

Re: tremble at your impending arrival ...


... because if it is not cold;
soon you started with Parkinson's. ____________________________

Ree: tremble at your impending arrival ...


Vale Nati.
And no choice but to give me good shivers;
especially emotion. __________________________________