Damn the mardicion the fucking dick pussy do not know how I got here after 2 years and 8 days ......... is one of those days when I have nothing good to do and can not find anything good on the fucking TV (if the same that of the pictures in a box). From this we can deduce where it came from the reputisimo name of this blog (so it is called nop?).
Well these 2 YEARS AND 8 DAYS I say that I have not changed ................. Paresce telenovela lie ........... bndsfgoasjklpñkmfñsaf (pause flvkhvlvf )......................................... .... .........
Ok sorry back could not stop laughing (I was shitting and pissing of laughter) by the previous comment. Buenos
to see that I have not changed anything in the last two years and 8 days, the issue of reference for this post (I hate talking ass) they were the types of PEOS (or farts for people ass). ............ O_O PEOS?, Those who read this will say:
To which I reply:
"I it's more hyper-mega-super-reputisima recontra mother I think, or who had no ass (ass, third eye, the flower of May, among others)
Ok then began, first a brief introduction of the PEO in my chemistry teacher I stayed mad fucking O_e when asked and she replied in a manner so ..... I show her best
Me: Professor ,....¿ What is fart? What is its composition?
Teacher: Flato, from Latin flatus, means breath and is a composite of highly variable gas, expelled from the anus. It is formed by the air which we aspire, which is almost only nitrogen and carbon dioxide, then the body absorbs oxygen, and gases resulting from chemical reactions between stomach acid and intestinal fluids bacterial flora: Carbon Dioxide , Hydrogen and Methane.
==========> WT3F My reaction (to the subnormal do not understand this to mean "bone")
warning (in lower case because it is not so important):
1 .- If you ate a lot does not continue to see this post (pd: no photos XD)
2 .- Do not continue to see this post if you suffer from erectile dysfunction principle (do not ask)
3 .- no list is because this shit. 4 .-
because I'm not listing.
5 .- The shit is not the worst of this world believe me if you want to look in a mirror (insult no jutsu)
pean Types (Farts for mariscones)
The common ment ment is the next right at any time, not so much scent strip is not so furiously. Ment is characteristic strips when you're walking down the street. Want to go slowly, but betrays you
- The
pean're living in the middle of the party and you too lazy to go to the bathroom, then what better than going to a corner of the room, dumb , look the other way, lift the leg slightly, ensuring that you do not go hand in hand with the noise and welcome the games ment.
- The
ment office which is trying to conceal with a cough, but you can not hide the smell.
- Peo with
unexpected gift (which the wrong time) is the typical juicy ment for friends, that when you're on the street and have complicated the day to go running to the first bathroom that you are crossing to cleanse. One of the worst.
- Peo morning
What better way to start the morning with a good peito. No way to lift the blanket and smell one. It is also known as the PEO selfish, because nobody likes to share.
- Peo that can be crushed
chair is a typical strip you in high school, or when you're playing cards with friends. Leaves a bubble around the ass. When you get up from his chair, "the cock who was er Cursed"
- Peo makes you hurt the slit
is one of the most hated by the people. When you throw it appears as if you ripped all the hairs of your ass. Some scholars call it "backing out." You hear it and put the name you want.
- whale PEO:

stupid questions about SOPs (-.-)
Well according to my research could answer some questions to my friends already described in the Previous Post (the 2 years and 8 days). Below the stupid questions from my friends:
The first was Ana -.-
ANA: Luis, what makes you not smell farts? (She says it is ass farts)
Yop: The odor of farts comes from small amounts of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur (

clear: as my response was advanced for my little brains suss it will put them in a way a little more understandable:
1 .- If you are what you eat.
2 .- if you could eat, could shit (shit, stools will waste your ass)
was Felipe
Philip Man How soon until the fart comes to someone's nose ?
Yop: Seafood you think? -.- ...... Good depends on the weather, humidity and wind speed, also the distance between people. Farts are also scattered, its nauseating potential decreases with dilution. Exceptional conditions exist when the fart is released into a small, enclosed area. Just like an elevator, or a small room! or within of a car, because these conditions limit the available quantity of diluent (air) and the fart will remain at a level which will be perceived, for longer, until it condenses on the walls.
Dick came to me one XD kfjaslñgvjñsdkg (the rope are great XD)
Next was Vasquez (Look for it in the previous post cagaran of laughter)
Vasquez: Does ment is a burp that came out of wrong side?

Yop, is seriously vasquez -.-?......... No. The phrase "Belching is a fart that took the elevator" is pure folklore. Belching from the stomach and has a different chemical composition from a fart. Farts have less atmospheric air and most gases produced by bacteria.
Omg! deserves to die ..... OMG
the following is Osmaurin, llamdo in the world as OSDA low
OSDA: SOPs Where do you endure? How many times you hold a fart, intending to drop it in the first appropriate opportunity, and then discovers that he has "disappeared": Do we really came out slowly without the person noticing? Was it absorbed into the bloodstream? What that actually happened?

this if you do not have job !!!!!!! analyzes this really ....... for all the blackouts have happened to think such questions XD
YOP: OSDA please you spent .... well the only thing I can say is: The doctors agree ment that is neither released nor absorbed. Simply return to the intestines and then exits. This reaffirms the fact that SOPs are not lost but merely "delayed."
Well how are you there so many questions that my colleagues tell me you (friends is dame). If anyone tell what kinds of subnormal I have friends but what the hell (the one goal with this die -.-) Well
and shellfish I'm tired of writing without thinking, and right now going to begin the novel (that big seafood -.-) I watch jejejejejejejejejejejej I finally HI5 ksldfvjsñbjvfbl the worst accents pean and I do not understand how the hell people try this cock
no single explanation
http://www .youtube.com / watch? v =- hsu63QRwW0
PS: Before I go I want to clarify this great controversy, avocado is a fruit or vegetable?
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