During all this time have seemed that we had here a private party, private and exclusive, without whose invitation was impossible to enter.
Far from reality, the harsh reality because true reality is that this has been closed right away, without music or cocktails and canapés without laughter ... alone, without anyone, but with all the furniture covered with sheets to prevent dust slinks.
What nonsense when in the end everything turns to dust, because we are just that: dirt.
These sheets have already fulfilled its true mission, as many tears dry salted or dress the dear departed, and I think it is time to remove them to move forward.
Today has also influenced to return, the 10-10-10.
think that we will see eleven and twelve, but impossible to live the next magical date: 01/01/1901.
And we are here four times, and we want to find out until something happens. Then when you forget to spend more time and another blow will knock us back into the account. And so we go.
Far from reality, the harsh reality because true reality is that this has been closed right away, without music or cocktails and canapés without laughter ... alone, without anyone, but with all the furniture covered with sheets to prevent dust slinks.
What nonsense when in the end everything turns to dust, because we are just that: dirt.
These sheets have already fulfilled its true mission, as many tears dry salted or dress the dear departed, and I think it is time to remove them to move forward.
Today has also influenced to return, the 10-10-10.
think that we will see eleven and twelve, but impossible to live the next magical date: 01/01/1901.
And we are here four times, and we want to find out until something happens. Then when you forget to spend more time and another blow will knock us back into the account. And so we go.
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